Terms of Use

The following Terms of Use govern use of websites that HIOKI E.E. CORPORATION (“HIOKI”) administers and operates (“HIOKI Websites”). Please review these Terms before accessing HIOKI Websites as your use signifies your understanding and acceptance of their provisions.
1. Disclaimer
You are solely responsible for your use of HIOKI Websites. While HIOKI exercises utmost care in the creation and management of the information on its websites, it makes no warranty or guarantee as to the accuracy, suitability for any purpose, completeness, or safety of that information. Furthermore, HIOKI is not liable for any loss or damage that you sustain due to your use of, or failure to use, that information.

HIOKI reserves the right to modify any or all of the information on HIOKI Websites without notice. HIOKI also reserves the right to suspend or cease operation of HIOKI Websites at its sole discretion.

HIOKI is not liable for any loss or damage that you sustain due to your use of third-party websites to which HIOKI Websites provide links, or your use of information obtained from either third-party websites to which HIOKI Websites provide links or third-party websites that provide links to HIOKI Websites.

Information contained in communications from HIOKI, for example email messages, received in response to inquiries submitted to HIOKI Websites may not be used, either in whole or in part, for any other purpose.

Certain factors, including your network and computer environment, may prevent you from being able to fully access or utilize some content on HIOKI Websites.
2. Copyright and Trademarks
All content on HIOKI Websites (including, but not limited to, text, photographs, illustrations, video, audio, and software) is copyrighted by HIOKI or third parties and as such is subject to protection under the Copyright Act as well as other applicable laws and treaties. With the exception of duplication for private use, quotation, and other fair use as recognized by the Copyright Act, it is prohibited to use content from HIOKI Websites (including, but not limited to, by duplication, alteration, uploading, posting, electronic dissemination, distribution, licensing, sale, and publication) without advance permission from HIOKI in writing and without the express consent of the copyright holder, if different from HIOKI.
3. Linking to HIOKI Websites
The operation and administration of third-party websites to which HIOKI Websites provide links and third-party websites that provide links to HIOKI Websites (collectively, “Linked Websites”) are the sole responsibility of their respective owners. Linked Websites are not administered by HIOKI. All use of Linked Websites is subject to the terms of use of the particular websites accessed. HIOKI is not liable for any loss or damage that you sustain due to the retrieval or use of content on Linked Websites. Inclusion of links on HIOKI Websites does not constitute a recommendation to use Linked Websites or an endorsement of the products, services, companies, or other entities described or referenced therein. Additionally, such inclusion should not be misconstrued to signify any special relationship, for example a business alliance or partnership, between HIOKI and the owners of the Linked Websites in question.

HIOKI affiliates operating their own websites are solely responsible for the information they provide, and for the purpose of these Terms, HIOKI considers those websites to be third-party websites.
4. Downloadable Content
Your downloading of data and documents such as user manuals and catalogs from HIOKI Websites signifies your acceptance of the following:
1. You may need to register in advance in order to gain access to downloadable content.
2. Product specifications are subject to change without notice. Consequently, product specifications that you download from HIOKI Websites may differ from the specifications of products of the same model that you already own.
3. Data is not available for all products that HIOKI sells. Conversely, data for discontinued products may still be displayed on HIOKI Websites.
4. Depending on the version of your Internet browser and viewer software, you may be able to download files but not view them on your computer. Additionally, depending on your printer, you may not be able to print downloaded content properly.
5. Downloaded files may contain garbled text that cannot be displayed properly due to the PDF file conversion process. Additionally, errors from printed materials may be included (uncorrected) on HIOKI Websites.
6. Duplication, alteration, transmission, and dissemination of downloaded files for commercial purposes are prohibited.
7. User manuals include content that is protected by copyright. Unauthorized reproduction, duplication, and alteration of such content are prohibited.
5. Recommended System
Use of WindowsR XP, Vista, or 7 is recommended when accessing HIOKI Websites on a Windows computer. Use of Mac OS 10.5 or later is recommended when accessing HIOKI Websites on a Macintosh computer. Internet Explorer 8.0, Firefox 10.0, or Safari 4.0 or later is recommended to view HIOKI Websites. Some pages use AdobeR FlashR and may not be accessible if the appropriate plugin or other software has been disabled. Thank you for your understanding.
6. JavaScript
HIOKI Websites use JavaScript to provide a more convenient user experience. Please note that certain portions of HIOKI Websites may not function or display properly if JavaScript has been disabled in your browser’s settings.
7. Style Sheets
HIOKI Websites use style sheets. Please note that certain portions of HIOKI Websites may not display properly if style sheets have been disabled in your browser’s settings.

8. Applicable Laws and Jurisdiction
These Terms of Use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan, unless otherwise expressly provided. All disputes and controversies arising out of or in connection with this website and these Terms of Use shall be submitted to the Tokyo District Court in Tokyo (main office), Japan as the Court of first instance. If any portion of these Terms of Use shall be deemed invalid, void, or for any reason unenforceable, such portion shall be deemed severable and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining portion.